Work experience at Arch Model Studio Ltd: 4th February 2019 - 9th February 2019
A-Level: Three Dimensional Design - June 2020
NOMA Work Experience: 17th November 2023 and 30th November 2023
BA Product Design and Craft: 2021 -2024

Future Plans:
I have recently contacted a furniture designer, Tord Boontje, after meeting him in a casual setting. Upon meeting him he invited me to his studio for a visit. Unfortunately I was returning back to Manchester the next day and was unable to follow through on this opportunity. However, I said I would get into contact with him when I was next in London and see if the offer still stood. Hopefully in the near future I will meet someone in the practice that I wish to be involved in. If I do end up meeting him for the second time I plan on asking if he needs any help around his studio, free of charge, for a bit of work experience and to see how he runs his studio. 
I also plan on staying around Manchester after university. I plan on trying to stay working within my practice after my degree from the get go. I have a list of furniture studio recommendations in Manchester that I will contact and see if any are interested on taking me on even if its just for a day a week. I feel that as long as I have my foot in the door, no matter how little, more opportunities will arise. 

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